Today the preacher spoke about how when we are young in age we are ‘give me’ type people. This can also be true in relationships, marriages and in life. We are all about ‘me’ and everything we do is to satisfy the ‘me’ in our lives.
He talked about how important it was for us to get past the ‘give me’ and grow up! And about how when we first fall in love we do for the other person but in reality we are doing it because it’s all about ‘me’. I didn’t get it at first but as he continued to talk about when the newness wears off and you’re ready to trade that person in because they don’t satisfy the ‘me’ in us anymore - it hit me! (No pun intended) Some of the things he was saying applied in my life. Both of my ex-husbands were all about them and what was important to them. He talked about how Job was a man who no matter what his faith in God was deeper than the materialistic things he had. (Job 1:1-22) Job had it all! A wife, kids and then there were all the animals he owned and servants too.
In the scripture it shares a conversation that God had with Satan. It was about Job’s faith in God. Satan thought if everything was taken from him he would change. Job proved Satan wrong! Job lost everything in one day! His material things and all of his kids too!
Being a mother I can’t imagine what that would be like. But Job’s faith didn’t falter! After all of this happen to Job in verse 20 it says: “At this, Job got up tore his robe and shaved his he’s head. Then he fell to the ground in worship 21 and said: Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart.” The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” 22 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.
Wow, can you imagine going through what Job went through and then still he got on his knees and prayed!
Do you know what God did? If you continue to read the book of Job and you get to chapter 42 you’ll find that everything that Job lost he got back double! Except for his children… later in life he had seven more sons and three more daughters. The preacher explained to us that Job really didn’t lose his children for he would see them again in heaven!
He shared Psalms 139: 23-“Search me, God, and know my heart.” He went on to say that ‘Search Me’ was not just a statement. It was very important because in growing you have to search yourself! In this case this man was begging God to help him find the evil in his life and show him so he could begin to change and be better in his walk with God. (At least that is how I took it to be)
The preacher also shared with us scripture from Luke 15-18 “… Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19-I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.”
‘Make Me’ those words hit close to my heart. As the preacher put it all together in summary; he let us know that we need to grow from ‘Give me’ to ‘Search me’ and ultimately ‘Make me’ servants of God.
When the preacher gave the invitation to come and pray I we felt moved to do so. I went to the alter and got down on my knees and prayed that God’s will be done in my life. For him to continue to show me the signs he’s been showing me and his glory be given not for me but for him.
After leaving church, the love of my life said “you know you don’t have to go to the front of the church all the time… God hears you right where you are.” My first thoughts were, “I felt led by God to go up and pray and why would he say that to me?” I tried to express my thoughts and feelings about his statement but it didn’t come out that way I’m sure.
At one point I even felt offended by what he has said. I felt he was judging me and my actions. “How is it he thinks he has the right to tell me how and when to pray?” “I didn’t do anything wrong nor did I feel he had any right to comment on my actions.” “This was between me and God.”
I’m sure he meant nothing hurtful when he said it and it probably never crossed his mind again. I found myself confused and in tears from the feelings I had been left with. So I prayed. I asked God to show me why I felt like I was second guessing my going to the alter and why I almost felt angry by what was said.
It wasn’t until much later that day while swinging in the sunshine I felt peace around my heart and heard a soft voice say… “Child you did nothing wrong, I hear your prayers.”
I try everyday to grow with God. Today I let Satan make me question my actions of going to the alter to pray. Now I’m not saying the man I love is Satan or that he was possessed. It was only the words he spoke that caused me to question my own actions and be offended at the time the statement was made.
God shows us signs everyday when we are on the right path. And sometimes Satan steps in and twists words out of love to leave us confused by our own actions. It’s up to us as Christians to see and hear through our love and faith in God. We are not to question his word when we are called by him to be about his business! I didn’t question God on why I felt the way I did but did ask him to help me understand why I doubted myself and what I did.
God doesn’t make mistakes! Satan on the other hand does when he tries to mess with one of God’s lambs!
Today I learned when I took the ‘give me’ out of the picture and let God ‘search me’ through my own doubts in what was said I found out how to ‘make me’ understand the meaning in the message!
At the end of the day it is always going to be us and God. You may not feel as if every day is a perfect day in your ‘give me’ life. But once you learn how to put ‘search me’ in it -it is then and only then you will find it in you to use ‘make me’ a part of your daily life!
A big thanks to my Preacher for yet again teaching one of his fishers of men how to use what I’ve learned in church to share God’s word and love with others!
Be Blessed
Dee Stevens
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