Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How many times have you said to someone going through something they think is so horrible; "you just have to have Faith you'll make it through it"! Sometimes they just give you that look "you have no idea where I am and how alone I feel"! You know that same look you gave someone at your life crisis of the moment. 

Yes, we all will go through some sort of 'Life Crisis Moment'! but it's just a moment in time, this too will pass. We just have to keep our faith strong.

Faith, a word that means so much! It's the foundation on our belief that 'God's Got This'!

I wasn't always strong in my faith, it took years for me to realize God is in control of it all! From the times I didn't have have a job or enough money for food, the rent or bills. Or even when I found out my husband wasn't faithful with questions of how can I raise my children alone. 

When I look back now I see God always made sure I had a roof over my head, food in the bellies of my kids and all the bills where paid!

You maybe going through a season in your life right now and you're asking "How in the world am I going to make it through"? One day you will reflect back on this moment and see how you made it through when you saw no way - God made a way!

Today instead of having a pity party for yourself and letting the enemy attack your thoughts, lean on Jesus! Ask him for guidance and then most important listen to what he has to say!

If I've learned one thing about faith it's no matter how alone you may feel in a 'Life Crisis Moment' you are never alone! God is with you always! Just keep your Faith!

Just sharing some love as I live another day and remember there is always a way to laugh where it may seem only tears flood your emotions. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it will pass and you'll be better on the other side!
Have a Blessed Day!

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