Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life Happens!

As I am traveling in my Career Journey, my Personal Journey is struggling. The one thing, which is solid, is My Spiritual Journey continues to be strong!

During this week it has been a struggle for ‘Time’, as it has slipped through my fingers when it comes to work. Feelings of it standing still are in my relationship; I battled the human side of me to get upset and take a broken promise personally.

I know life happens! It is in my spiritual foundation I’ve managed to keep it all together.

Life is full of things which just happen and here are a few in my journeys…

Its happening as I am learning a new staff, paperwork and responsibilities.

As I want our communication to grow together it just seems like the harder I try the more it feel less important. Don’t get me wrong I’m still very much in love. It just appears I’m not as important in his life as he is in mine. I’ve prayed about it and continue to do so but if I can use his own words “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”. I don’t want to force him to communicate with me, it has to come from his heart and not my mouth to his ears and then out of his mouth. (LOL)
As we know men and women are just so different in so many ways. Little things do mean so much when it comes to respecting and loving another person, but I’ll save deeper thoughts on that journey for another day.

God has put me here for his reasons and it’s in his plan I will continue to grow and know I will be blessed by it all. It is on the solid rock I stand in my life and its Journeys. Remembering Life Happens and with it come changes, challenges, growth, great rewards and sometimes failures too!
As I share with you today, I know when Life Happens it is up to us to keep our Spiritually Journey strong to help us travel in our Career and Personal Journeys.

With everything going on in our own life’s we sometimes forget to just breathe and take in God’s beauty. We put blinders on to why we are here in the first place.

Sometimes we hold things in so we don’t hurt others feelings. Other times we just say nothing and make assumptions the other person knows what’s going on. This has happen to me this week in both my Career and Personal Journeys. But it is in my Spiritual Journey I’ve shared it all with God! He is the one who can help you keep your focus on what is his ultimate plan for us all!

So when you feel your failing to hit your marks on the paths within your journeys, remember, God has his GPS always available to you! Read your Bible, his mapped out plan and it will get you back on the highway to your next destination!

Thanks for letting me share with you again and have a blessed week!

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