Sunday, May 1, 2011

Jesus My Best Friend...

Hello again!

I wanted to say thank you for all your recent prayers and add keep them coming!

As my Pastor Jeff says “God is good all the time”!

Last week he started his series on My Best Friend and it was great! He continues this week with more eye opening reason to let Jesus be your best friend!

Many people only look at the fact God sent his son Jesus to earth to die for our sins and never think about how he was on the earth for 33 years before dying on the cross.

Do you know what Jesus’ occupation was? Many already know the answer, he was a carpenter. 

There is no way to smoothly transition to this next train of thought but...

Have you ever notice how politicians are like chameleons? Let me explain, when someone is running for office they will always appear to know peoples pain. Say a politician goes to a big benefit for bankers, he will always have a way to connect or tie himself in to ‘understanding the problems’ of those there by referring to being related to someone in his immediate circle who was or is a banker? Then his next stop might be a constructing site, he will change his appearance dawn a hard hat and still share a story which relates to the workers and follows it up with “I know your pain” or “understand how you feel”.

So when you think about it, Jesus being a carpenter really showed us how he dwelled among us a hard worker way before he preformed miracles.

Jesus came as a man to teach us through example in his life before teaching us through his word.

It is written: God is a God of mercy and he is a God of wrath too! Jesus, on our behalf, took our sins to save our souls.

The Bible goes to Great lengths to show us Jesus was just like you and me.

We are all tempted in life, but being tempted is not a sin. It’s what we do after being tempted which is determined through our actions.

In the Bible it teaches us that Jesus was a great man. But before he died on the cross he lived a life like you and I. He was a child that played, went to school, had half brothers and sisters, worked, lived and died. As a man, he went through many things we go through!

What do you think of when you think of the Thrown of God? Many think of Judgment and Fear.
There are 3 things Pastor Jeff pointed out about the Thrown of God today:

1 It is a Thrown of Grace
2 It is a Thrown of Sympathy
3 It is a Thrown of Help!

In the Bible, Jesus never tells us to fear the Thrown of God but he always says come to the Thrown of God. He says to come to the Thrown boldly!

Jesus is not only concerned with the religious part of our lives but for ALL of it! That means not just on Sunday’s! 

Every hour of every day of every month of every year… He is concerned about us all the time! 

Are you a Sunday Friend of Jesus? Are you living every other day of the week without talking to Jesus about your problems you have?

Jesus knows what we go through because he went through it too!

Jesus understands Relationships:

He knows what it’s like to be single, in a married person’s world!
He knows what it’s like to be married because we are his bride. 
He knows what it’s like to have an unfaithful bride.
He knows what it’s like to have family who doesn’t understand where you’re coming from.
He knows what it’s like to have close friends; to be loved and betrayed by them.

Jesus understands work:

Jesus was in the market place way before he was in the ministry.

Remember he was 33 years old before he died on the cross.

Jesus understands pain:

Not only did he endure physical pain he knew what it was like to feel emotional pain too.

Can you imagine the ridicule he went through when his peers heard of his virgin birth?

He knows what it is like to lose a love one in death. His earthly father Joseph died when Jesus was 13 or 14 years old.

The facts are Jesus has gone through everything we have gone through and more! He worked endured pain and love in his relationships with friends and family.

He is our Savior but he should be our Best Friend to share our everyday lives with. He is the answer to any problem big or small we feel we are having. 

Are you having trouble in your relationship? Tell him about it! 

Are you depressed and feel all alone? Tell him about it! 

Are you having problems at work? Tell your best friend Jesus!

We all need to stop keeping Jesus at arm’s length and have a closer walk with him and it will change your life!

If, in this high tech world, you feel you don’t have time to sit down and read your bible, think again!

There is an App for that! I have several Apps on my phone which send me a daily notification of scripture. I have another one which has audio to hear scriptures while I’m driving! (Link to apps)

So when you think you don’t have time… think again! You have time for Facebook, Myspace and games on your phone you have time to get closer to Jesus, who really should be your best friend!

Again thanks to Pastor Jeff for a great sermon today!

Check out his service online sometime at

Thanks for letting me Share the Love of God with you today.

Have a Blessed Week!
Dee Stevens

Enjoy this video:

The above video is property of CBS, it is only borrowed to share on this blog. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When the going gets tough…

So when the going gets tough do you get going or stand your ground?

I have found in life there are those who run when the going gets tough and a few who face challenges head on. Through the years I have found it’s better to face thing head on and move on learning as I go.

Have you ever thought about how many challenges Jesus faced? He didn’t have the internet, or telephones, radio or TV to get his word out. Travel wasn’t in a car, train or plane, it was on foot most of the time along with camel, ass, ox or horse.

Can you imagine being told to go spread the word of God knowing after your journey you were going to die to save the souls of sinners?

When the going got tough for Jesus he didn’t run he stood his ground, faced his challenges head on and teaching, by example as he kept going down his chosen path by his father.

Today too many couples give up on their marriage or relationships because they are not strong enough to get past their problems and work things out. This happens more times than it really should in the world today. Weak people can’t get past the “they’ve done me wrong” personal feelings. The stronger ones will really look at who, what, when and why it’s happening;  take themselves out of the situation mentally, looking at it from a distance before making a major decision without talking.

Some can’t work through it, based on how weak or strong the couple is or the situation. But the ones who do find their lives are blessed for it.

Take time to read your Bible every day.

““Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” - 1 Corinthians 15:55-57

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life Happens!

As I am traveling in my Career Journey, my Personal Journey is struggling. The one thing, which is solid, is My Spiritual Journey continues to be strong!

During this week it has been a struggle for ‘Time’, as it has slipped through my fingers when it comes to work. Feelings of it standing still are in my relationship; I battled the human side of me to get upset and take a broken promise personally.

I know life happens! It is in my spiritual foundation I’ve managed to keep it all together.

Life is full of things which just happen and here are a few in my journeys…

Its happening as I am learning a new staff, paperwork and responsibilities.

As I want our communication to grow together it just seems like the harder I try the more it feel less important. Don’t get me wrong I’m still very much in love. It just appears I’m not as important in his life as he is in mine. I’ve prayed about it and continue to do so but if I can use his own words “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”. I don’t want to force him to communicate with me, it has to come from his heart and not my mouth to his ears and then out of his mouth. (LOL)
As we know men and women are just so different in so many ways. Little things do mean so much when it comes to respecting and loving another person, but I’ll save deeper thoughts on that journey for another day.

God has put me here for his reasons and it’s in his plan I will continue to grow and know I will be blessed by it all. It is on the solid rock I stand in my life and its Journeys. Remembering Life Happens and with it come changes, challenges, growth, great rewards and sometimes failures too!
As I share with you today, I know when Life Happens it is up to us to keep our Spiritually Journey strong to help us travel in our Career and Personal Journeys.

With everything going on in our own life’s we sometimes forget to just breathe and take in God’s beauty. We put blinders on to why we are here in the first place.

Sometimes we hold things in so we don’t hurt others feelings. Other times we just say nothing and make assumptions the other person knows what’s going on. This has happen to me this week in both my Career and Personal Journeys. But it is in my Spiritual Journey I’ve shared it all with God! He is the one who can help you keep your focus on what is his ultimate plan for us all!

So when you feel your failing to hit your marks on the paths within your journeys, remember, God has his GPS always available to you! Read your Bible, his mapped out plan and it will get you back on the highway to your next destination!

Thanks for letting me share with you again and have a blessed week!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Secure But Yet Unsure...

Where do you stand in your thoughts about life after death?

Atheists believe there is no God…
Some say “I don’t believe in God and I hate him”. Now think about this for a moment. How can you hate something you don’t believe in? So really they do believe there is a God or they couldn’t make the statement. I’m sure thoughts of God run through their heads from time to time to come to some sort of conclusion of what is now their believe system.

Others are sure but insecure
Sometimes they feel saved but they aren’t sure if they are going to Heaven.
No one is perfect and we don’t live in a perfect world either. The world is full of people who will lead you in the wrong directions and have you doubt your faith. It’s up to you to stand strong in your belief and not waver from them.

Sure and Secure!
When you have come to this point in your faith you know it’s not about you! It’s all about God and his love to send his only son to save our souls. It’s about not just sitting in a pew and letting the preacher do all the work of saving souls! You know you have to get out there and show others with how you live and share the word of God.

Luke 23: 26-43
The Crucifixion of Jesus
 26 As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus. 27 A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. 28 Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. 29 For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ 30 Then “‘they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!”’ 31 For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” 32 Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed. 33 When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. 34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[c] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. 35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.” 36 The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They offered him wine vinegar 37 and said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.” 38 There was a written notice above him, which read: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. 39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” 40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” 42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” 43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”.

Have you come to grips who Jesus is? Who is he to you? Do you put God first in your life? Do you see your needs?


How many have ever told a lie? It makes you a liar. There are no degrees of liars. A tiny lie to not hurt someone’s feelings is still just that a lie! You have to be honest with yourself! Telling yourself you can’t do something when you know you can is only lying to yourself first and then you know after one lie you’ll follow it up with another, then another until you are so consumed by lies you either start to believe them or you forget one and get caught in the middle of a drama filled life you feel you can’t get out of. Many will just push people out of their lives or some may run away and try and start all over again. But until you realize what you’re doing it will happen all over again. There is another way out and that is to confess it and let God sort it out.

How many have stolen something? It doesn’t matter how small or large it was it still makes you a thief.

Has there ever been a time you put something before God? You are committing Idolatry! It clearly states not to put anything before him. I will be the first to admit I’ve done it before. We are creatures of habit and to change a bad habit we have to really work hard at it. We have to want it! It’s like learning to walk as a child. We fall down so many times before we learn to walk without falling. Same goes for putting God first in your life in everything you do. It takes time to retrain your brain but once you start doing it you will see your life change for the better!

We are all sinners and we have to own up to what we have done and not blame others or think you are better than anyone because your sins are less than others. Don’t be a blamer toward your fellow Christians!

In the scripture ‘Jesus, Remember me when you come in your kingdom’! And with his reply when he spoke the words “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”; it was to grab attention!
Truly, means you aren’t going to believe this back in Jesus’ time.

Don’t allow the world to bring you down and doubt what you believe! Our faith, Our Jesus guarantees everlasting life!

Pastor Jeff gave examples of different religions and their belief systems have no guarantees and or relationships with what they believe in; no assurance in them except our son of God, Jesus who died on the cross to save our souls from sin and hell but so we could have everlasting life in heaven!

Don’t take life for granted! 
Don’t take your God for granted!
Take time each day and put God first in your life!

Serving Jesus and get your mind off yourself and start thinking about others and not just focusing on the ‘me me me’ life which surrounds us all!

Did you know: If a child doesn’t get saved by the time they are in the 5th grade statically speaking they will never get saved.

Get off your pews and get out for Christ!

The preacher can only do so much but when are you going to get out there and do what God wants you to do!

Stepping up to the plate and hit one for God!

How much does it take someone to invest in God and in your church? Are you watching the plate being passed and not giving when he is blessing your life?

Jesus is the answer to all the world’s problems! Relationships, Marriage, Wars, Our Country’s Leadership, Porn addictions or addictions of any kind!

OWN UP TO YOUR SINS! Ask God for forgiveness of those sins…and leave them with Jesus.

I often say “Let God and Let Go”!
He teaches us through his word to give it to him! God doesn’t want us to stress and worry he wants us
Spread his word… He wants us to have a smile on our face as we spread his word. When we come to let God in our hearts it first started with a smile which lead to a tear and an over whelming feeling of being complete right? At least it was this way for me.

Not every day is going to be a perfect day. There will be ones which don’t feel like you can take another step because you only see what you want to see. Sometimes you have to look beyond the moment in time you are in and see the bigger picture! There are people who won’t ever get past their past or find true happiness in their life because it is much easier to blame others for how they feel their lives are now.

If you could look more at what you do have and less at what you don’t have you will find things will start to change. We’ve heard ‘taking it one day at a time’; sometimes you have to take a minute at a time to get you going. One breathe a time is a good way to get started.
And remember 90 % of prayers won’t matter 100 years from now… so learn to pray for bigger and better things!

Be Blessed and Bless others!
Dee Stevens

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Heart and Soul, Forgiving, Loving, and Confessing the Stressing!

When I love I do it with my whole heart and soul, never thinking of anyone but the person I’m in the relationship with when planning for the future. Yes, I’m a planner.

There are times when life gives us something we don’t plan and it’s up to us to pick and choose what we do with those plans. Today is one of those days!

I know in my studies in the Bible we don’t know when the end of time will be. Just like we don’t know when we will die.

When I was younger, in my early 20’s, I would have fears of my husband leaving me to take care of my children along. And I worried about something happening to me with no one to take care of them. For years I did this and the only thing it got me was grief, nightmares and an overall feeling of unhappiness. As the years went by I began to understand more about life and death and the biblical teachings of it. I found peace with what I had learned and eventually I was able to let go of that fear.

Seems I always have a way of picking them as they say. Unlike many people I just can’t fall out of love nor can I just throw away my feeling so easily. What I do know is there are not a lot of people out there like me. I like to say “I’m not stupid I’m in Love”…I see so many give up on love because of seeing signs and then just look for the next one in line. I guess I’m just not built that way mentally.

I just know firsthand when a man starts to drift away… be it his fear of commitment or fear of dying. (There are other things too but let’s just focus on these two for a moment)

The fear of losing your ‘freedom’ or maybe you think things in your life will change forever. If you think you are the only one who has this fear, you’re wrong because every man and woman has the same fears.

Then there is the fear of dying. “We are born to die” was a quote I read from a man who was over 100 years old. It’s so true and yet from the day we are born those days are counting down as they simultaneously are counting up. It’s only at times when life changing events happen do you see how fragile life is and begin to prepare for things or we just shut out everyone and don’t LIVE you just EXIST! Why?

You can come up with all kinds of excuses, but they are just excuses and the same things will happen over and over in every relationship you ever come into until you realize one day, when the light bulb goes off what you’re doing. Sometimes the moment is too late and the one thing, person or life you wanted just slipped right through your fingertips never to return again.

A life changing event can also have you rethink a lot of things and your life in general. Remember this doesn’t only change your life it affects those around you too.

I have always been able to go with my gut and I find my heart has been racing from feelings and seeing signs which have been screaming at me for weeks from the man I’m in love with: being preoccupied, being secretive with text and phone calls, less and less time for us to spend together, excuses of being too tired, short tempered, and the lack of communication between us.  Pulling away from church and there are others but they are just not important at this time.

Let me continue by saying we’ve both been under extreme stress with news of me taking a job away from the area. It’s not far… but it has changed things. I have felt him push me further away every day.

I’ve tried to talk about it with him and I know he has no doubt in his mind where my heart is…it’s just very hard to see the bigger picture, or some might say the light at the end of the tunnel. Yeah the tunnel it has 2 ends just like a story… so I’m just sharing how I’ve seen things from my end. I’ve explained before he’s a very private guy about his life being shared on the web so I’m sure I’ll hear about it later. (At least I’m keeping his name out…LOL)

Some may see this blog as a rant or venting but there’re actually lessons to be shared when it comes to our lives at this moment in time.

God teaches us how to forgive!

Forgiveness is a wonderful thing not only is it part of being a Christian it is a part of healing our hearts to move past the hurt and pain to live another day.


God is Love and Love is God! Once this fills a person’s heart - the healing starts.

How the devil works!

Satan focuses his eyes on those who are reborn, the newest Christians who have rededicated their lives. Casting doubts in their minds and believe systems.

When listening to the pastor today he said it so well about forgiveness… He gave several examples about forgiveness. Jesus has forgiven us from our sins if only we confess them to him. We have to be accountable for what we do.

For a Christian, no matter what the wrong is, we are to forgive. Pastor Jeff went on to say there are so many people who sit around ticked off because someone has said something about them on FaceBook or in the case of a man or woman saying “but preacher you don’t know how bad my husband did me” or “you don’t know what my wife did to me”.  (Yes, we are in the South and I wrote it the way it was said..LOL)

Below is a breakdown of what he said.

Ways not to confess your sins to God:
Don’t beg for forgiveness
Don’t bargain with God
Don’t bribe God

How God forgives:

When knowing how God forgives us and how to pray we should learn and share what we know! 

Many will die with their sins forgiven but will go to hell for not owning those sins through confession of them to God the father in prayer.

While you have read this blog I hope and pray for forgiveness with my eyes more open as to how I have been praying in the past and knowing how God forgives is a great blessing in life to have!

Some things are simple while others a bit more difficult with twist and turns in them and to us down here on this earth we may see things as we are so wronged and it’s hard to find a place for forgiveness in your life…Just remember God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross to forgive us… Nothing compares to that extreme forgiveness! A love which has lasted all these years!

Find it in your heart to forgive yourself, so you can learn the great gift of forgiveness we have today!

I’ve got the nickname of Dr. Phil from the love of my life - you know the one who I gave my heart and soul to - along with a few others nicknames too. I told him last night I didn’t regret one moment we have spent together. He asked me why I would say such a thing… This is why:

You helped me…
...learn to not short change my talents so much,
…learn to love and trust again,
…listen to the birds more,
…listen to my gut and not sweep it under the rug,
…speak my mind no matter what, even when it’s hard,
…not to sit and wait on life, because it is short and special,
…not everyone is like me,
…living in the past isn’t for me,
…forgiveness is so important,
…learn I’m never alone because God is with me always,

And reminded me about leading a horse to water… the words and way you described it will always remain in my memories along with those few times you really let me in. Believe in yourself like I do.

Only God knows what the future holds. No matter what happens; my wish for you is true happiness in life!

Forgiving, Loving, and Confessing the Stressing, Heart and Soul are just a few things I’ve learned in the past few weeks!

Come back over the next few days for more blogs.

Have a blessed day!

Dee Stevens

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tests, Trust, Tithes, and Love…

Life is full of happenstances!

Recently I found myself in a discussion on views about having friendships of the opposite sex. During this conversation I mentioned trust for the loved ones involved. Then it just so happens God, in his perfect way, made sure I was in the right place at the right time on Sunday as Pastor Jeff spoke on Tests, Trust along with Tithes.

As he began to talk he made it clear this was not going to be just a sermon on Tithes but sort of a history lesson of how the 10 percent came to be along with how God Test us in our lives.
I learned many things I already knew but felt the need to share with others.

God does not change! He is perfect and there is no room for improving perfection! Now we, as Christians, can always improve on our lives.

We should always remember to put God first in our everyday living. God cannot bless second best!

There may be times when we see our neighbors or friends who have more than we do but do they really? Let me use myself as an example here. I’ve gone through a lot and I’ve had to sell just about everything I own and am starting all over again. But in my eyes I feel very blessed! God is first in my life and he has blessed me with my parents who have been my rock through the low point in my life, my health and a wonderful man who loves me!

Someone who doesn’t believe in God or put him first in their life might see only the fact I’ve lost so much, with having to sell a lot of my personal belongings. Sure I could focus on what has happen to me and be bitter but how does that help me in my life now? Others might say that God cursed me by some of the rough times I’ve had but God does not curse you… you curse yourself when you step out of living your Christian life to be brought closer to him.

God continues to test us in our lives. God is the reason for my Faith, Family, and Finances. How I live my life is to be a reflection of how a Christian should live. It’s how I want to show others about his Love!

Love is God and God is Love this is what love means to me! He has blessed me with so much more than many have and I know he will continue to bless me as long as he allows me to walk on this earth. Trust is knowing God knows where I’m going from here!

I found out the Bible is full of numerology! The number 10 means Testing! Tithing is a test! God is testing us to see if we give back what he supplies us to begin with. If it not for him we would not be where we are right now. And it was no happenstance a tenth of what we get should be given back to the church.

God will test us frequently to make sure we are putting him first! Say you make a little bit more money this month than last… Will you include that amount in your tithing or make an excuse to spend it on something else. Take for instance gas prices are so high right now that you don’t think you should spare the money. This money you received as a gift from God and should be included right? Even if it is just one dollar- a penny should go in your tithing.

(The following is from Malachi 3 NIV)
Breaking Covenant by Withholding Tithes
 6 “I the LORD do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. 7Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD Almighty.
   “But you ask, ‘How are we to return?’
 8 “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me.
   “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’
   “In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the LORD Almighty. 12 “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the LORD Almighty.

The above scripture was part of Pastor Jeff’s Sunday service. God Test us to put him first in our lives.

Although there may be times when you are struggling to give your tenth to the Church you will be blessed and not cursed.

Remember to always put God first in your life, not just on Sunday but every day!

Take time to look at your life and see where God is in your pecking order of what is important in your life. Could a few things be rearranged to start seeing more blessings come your way? For this to happen you may have change the order of things in your life to let your blessings start to flow.

Have a Blessed Day,
Dee Stevens

Saturday, February 26, 2011 yours weak or strong?

I was once told it's the little things in life that can mean the most. It is so very true!

We live in a world of the internet, like social networking which can be wonderful! Just look at the way I'm able to communicate with the world through my blog your reading right now!

Recently I found a posting on the FaceBook page of the love of my life. Before I go on I do need to let you know how I was asked, because of something which happened in his past on FaceBook,  not to post personal things on his wall. Because I respect his feelings I have refrained from posting anything of a personal nature. 

When I found another woman had posted a thank you for stopping by it meant a lot and love you...It wasn't a big deal it just hit me wrong another woman could express how she appreciated something he had done but I was respecting his wishes not to do the same... it took me to a place in my past which made my heart sink for a moment. 

It was an ugly memory of my own which had creped in and caused doubt in my mine. Because I share and communicate with him my feelings he removed it. I thought it was a sweet and unselfish thing he had done. Like I said it wasn't a big deal, it just hit me wrong. 

I'm not a typical woman in the south who feels a guy can't have female friends or a woman can't have guy friends. When you think this way it's like your trying to have a dictatorship in the relationship. Controlling another person will only lead to resentment in the relationship.

Being I trust him at his word, even after all I have been through in my past, it felt really wonderful when he showed with his actions he cared about my feelings by letting me know who the person was and what he had done adding he didn't think it was a big deal. He didn't have to go the extra mile of explaining things to me or remove the post but he did.  It was those actions he took which showed me how much he cared about my feelings. 

It might not seem like a big thing but all the little things add up when it comes to helping someone you love get past their bad memories for events in their lives.

God shows us in his word how to put it in his hands and one of my favorite lessons in the Bible is about forgiveness! I had to forgive the ones who have wronged me to move forward and let go of my past. 

Being human sometimes little things will remind us of our own insecurities. It's up to us on how we handle those feelings to get past them.

I want to thank the love of my life for doing what he did and also add those little things are why I love you so much!

Be Blessed,

Dee Stevens

Acts 13:38 (New International Version, ©2010) 
38 “Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Unselfish acts...

Open my eyes Dear God to see through your eyes. Let me see how I can make a difference in another person’s life. If only to bring a smile across their face for a moment; let your light and goodness shine through me in my actions today. Help me to continue to love unconditionally. May my words bless one person today. May your word be spread to another soul today. May one more person learn about you through something I’ve said or done.

They say it only takes one person to change the world.

Take time today to smile at a stranger.

Blessing a person doesn’t cost a thing. It can be done by a silent prayer said for a coworker or person on the street you pass in a car or in walking by them in a store or restaurant.

The unselfish acts you do will bless you in ways you may not see right away but it will happen!
Don’t forget you aren’t in this world alone. There are other people doing what they do right along with you try being courteous when you can; maybe  you can give yourself extra time in your travels… let a person or two cut in front of you.

Be Blessed,
Dee Stevens

Matthew 22:37-39-Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Unexpected Words…

I’ve heard many things over the years, but yesterday a few simple words brought me to tears…

Sometimes people still amaze me by what they say. Yesterday was inspiring to me by the words “you are very talented.” 

I’ve had friends tell me the same words “you are very talented” before but they never had such a powerful affect on me before.

I have worked very hard over the years and through it all I’ve always tried to keep a smile on my face even when having a bad day.

Reflecting on my life and knowing I’ve really never had anyone in it who has supported me, it’s always been me supporting someone else; I found myself in tears.

It wasn’t because I was sad. It was more so a relief knowing God has put a man in my life that really gets it. By no means did it happen over night because we have been dating now for almost 9 months. To simply put it- it was ‘amazing’ to feel the rush of emotions from hearing those words.

Sometimes our lives have twist and turns we don’t expect and with them come emotions we are never totally prepared for when they come. It was the unexpected words uttered which showed me God has been listening to my prayers of finding a deeper understanding of who I am and where my path is heading.

The rush of emotions that came over me is hard to put into words but I’ll try; it was like an instant connection to knowing how true happiness is meant to be felt. Knowing the man I love gets me along with an answered prayer was liken to being filled with the Holy Spirit. It moves through you in a flash. For someone who has never felt the Holy Spirit move you then I would say it’s like going from zero to 70 in point 2 seconds. It was an adrenaline rush and my only way of not exploding was to let the tears roll.

God answers prayers in three ways:



And not right now!

All of them may not happen immediately but when you get an answer from a prayer which has been a while in coming it tends to take your breath away! Yesterday, I found through unexpected words the answer to one of my prayers which I didn’t expect!

Never give up on your prayers and never give up on shining your light for others to see God working through you!

Be Blessed,

Dee Stevens

Ezra 9:8 (New International Version, ©2010)-8 “But now, for a brief moment, the LORD our God has been gracious in leaving us a remnant and giving us a firm place in his sanctuary, and so our God gives light to our eyes and a little relief in our bondage. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Finding Your Way...

Finding your way…

Often times we are just going through the motions in life, not really knowing if we are doing what we want to do or just here.

Have you had days where you get up in the morning and wonder “what am I doing with me life?”

I’m sure you have and then there are days where everything just seems to overwhelm you and you just can’t put your finger on it but it just feels like it’s going to be a longer than normal day.

It’s on those days you just feel like… blah.

I have found that when I have a day like this it’s time for me to do some soul searching. I ask myself the following questions:

Do you feel blessed in your life?

Are you doing better than you where this time last year? (Spiritually)

Do you feel like you are on the path God has put you on?

If you can answer yes to at least one of the questions… life isn’t as blah as you might think! If don’t see a yes answer then maybe you should really look at where you are in your life. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I will continue to say it “God doesn’t make Mistakes!”

There is a plan for your life preset before we are born. To make sure you are traveling down the path you have to regroup sometimes. Asking God to help you find where you need to be can get you back on track and life won’t feel so humdrum.

When we are kids we want to grow up and when we do grow up we want to have it slow down. As we get older the years just seem to fly by so quickly! Funny how that works isn’t it?

Be Blessed,
Dee Stevens

Job 22:15 (New International Version, ©2010)15 Will you keep to the old path that the wicked have trod?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Give Me" "Search Me" "Make Me"

Today the preacher spoke about how when we are young in age we are ‘give me’ type people. This can also be true in relationships, marriages and in life. We are all about ‘me’ and everything we do is to satisfy the ‘me’ in our lives.

He talked about how important it was for us to get past the ‘give me’ and grow up! And about how when we first fall in love we do for the other person but in reality we are doing it because it’s all about ‘me’. I didn’t get it at first but as he continued to talk about when the newness wears off and you’re ready to trade that person in because they don’t satisfy the ‘me’ in us anymore - it hit me! (No pun intended) Some of the things he was saying applied in my life. Both of my ex-husbands were all about them and what was important to them. He talked about how Job was a man who no matter what his faith in God was deeper than the materialistic things he had. (Job 1:1-22) Job had it all! A wife, kids and then there were all the animals he owned and servants too.

In the scripture it shares a conversation that God had with Satan. It was about Job’s faith in God. Satan thought if everything was taken from him he would change. Job proved Satan wrong! Job lost everything in one day! His material things and all of his kids too! 

Being a mother I can’t imagine what that would be like. But Job’s faith didn’t falter! After all of this happen to Job in verse 20 it says: “At this, Job got up tore his robe and shaved his he’s head. Then he fell to the ground in worship 21 and said: Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart.” The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” 22 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

Wow, can you imagine going through what Job went through and then still he got on his knees and prayed!

Do you know what God did? If you continue to read the book of Job and you get to chapter 42 you’ll find that everything that Job lost he got back double! Except for his children… later in life he had seven more sons and three more daughters. The preacher explained to us that Job really didn’t lose his children for he would see them again in heaven!

He shared Psalms 139: 23-“Search me, God, and know my heart.” He went on to say that ‘Search Me’ was not just a statement. It was very important because in growing you have to search yourself! In this case this man was begging God to help him find the evil in his life and show him so he could begin to change and be better in his walk with God. (At least that is how I took it to be)

The preacher also shared with us scripture from Luke 15-18 “… Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19-I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.”
‘Make Me’ those words hit close to my heart. As the preacher put it all together in summary; he let us know that we need to grow from ‘Give me’ to ‘Search me’ and ultimately ‘Make me’ servants of God.

When the preacher gave the invitation to come and pray I we felt moved to do so. I went to the alter and got down on my knees and prayed that God’s will be done in my life. For him to continue to show me the signs he’s been showing me and his glory be given not for me but for him.

After leaving church, the love of my life said “you know you don’t have to go to the front of the church all the time… God hears you right where you are.” My first thoughts were, “I felt led by God to go up and pray and why would he say that to me?” I tried to express my thoughts and feelings about his statement but it didn’t come out that way I’m sure.

At one point I even felt offended by what he has said. I felt he was judging me and my actions. “How is it he thinks he has the right to tell me how and when to pray?” “I didn’t do anything wrong nor did I feel he had any right to comment on my actions.” “This was between me and God.”

I’m sure he meant nothing hurtful when he said it and it probably never crossed his mind again. I found myself confused and in tears from the feelings I had been left with. So I prayed. I asked God to show me why I felt like I was second guessing my going to the alter and why I almost felt angry by what was said.

It wasn’t until much later that day while swinging in the sunshine I felt peace around my heart and heard a soft voice say… “Child you did nothing wrong, I hear your prayers.”

I try everyday to grow with God. Today I let Satan make me question my actions of going to the alter to pray. Now I’m not saying the man I love is Satan or that he was possessed. It was only the words he spoke that caused me to question my own actions and be offended at the time the statement was made.

God shows us signs everyday when we are on the right path. And sometimes Satan steps in and twists words out of love to leave us confused by our own actions. It’s up to us as Christians to see and hear through our love and faith in God. We are not to question his word when we are called by him to be about his business! I didn’t question God on why I felt the way I did but did ask him to help me understand why I doubted myself and what I did.

God doesn’t make mistakes! Satan on the other hand does when he tries to mess with one of God’s lambs!

Today I learned when I took the ‘give me’ out of the picture and let God ‘search me’ through my own doubts in what was said I found out how to ‘make me’ understand the meaning in the message!

At the end of the day it is always going to be us and God. You may not feel as if every day is a perfect day in your ‘give me’ life. But once you learn how to put ‘search me’ in it -it is then and only then you will find it in you to use ‘make me’ a part of your daily life!

A big thanks to my Preacher for yet again teaching one of his fishers of men how to use what I’ve learned in church to share God’s word and love with others!

Be Blessed
Dee Stevens

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Believe!

God’s Plan…
Even though we cannot see his nail scared hands,
We know Jesus the son of God was sent for us to understand,
Love is not just a word it is a way of life to us all,
When God speaks we should hear his call,
Don’t keep silent if one turns away,
Drop down on your knees and pray,
To save a soul is an honor in his name,
We should be proud as we proclaim,
It is in his name his will be done,
Because God sent his only son,
To save our souls in this life we live,
It is our sins that he does forgive,
If one person hears of his name today,
Another will rejoice as we say,
Thank you God for saving me,
The Alfa, The Omega, The Almighty!
(Dee Stevens 2/18/2011)

I believe that everything happens for a reason so let me start by saying on Tuesday I happened upon and app for my phone which takes your pulse rate. I felt compelled to download it to my phone. I don’t know why I just didn’t question it and did it and didn’t think about it again.

It was a week ago late tonight the following events happened which opened my eyes to how God tell us to do things we don’t understand but he always has his reasons. We may not see them as a sign from God at that moment but later find out the ‘gut feeling’ we get was his way of preparing us for things to come.

*Some of the following events may not be in the exact order as they happened because I wasn’t taking notes at the time…

I got a text from the man I love “I’m sick come take care of me”. Normally I would not think anything of it but he is not the typical guy to ask for any sort of help. I text back and let him know I had a few more things to do and I would be over.

Once I got there I found him on the couch shaking wrapped up in a blanket. His hands and feet were ice cold and he told me he had thrown up a few times since 3 that afternoon.

I asked him if he wanted me to take him to the hospital and his reply was “no I don’t have insurance and I really don’t feel like sitting in the emergency room for hours”. I could totally relate to his replies because I too don’t have insurance and wouldn’t want to sit and wait for hours to find out what’s wrong but a little small voice inside told me “take his pulse with the app on your phone”. I’m not saying that I have a direct connection with God or that he spoke directly to me but when I have things like this happen to me I don’t toss them off or ignore them.

I did and it was reading 199 which to me was not a good thing. He asked me to look up online and see what some of his symptoms might be. As I was got my computer out and started searching in the back of my mind I kept hearing that same small voice saying ‘something isn’t right and he needs to go to the hospital’. I would ask him question to compare them to MD online. As I did I just keep feeling I needed to check his blood pressure.  I’m not a nurse or a doctor but have worked in a nursing home and had a medical clinic and knew that his mother had a wrist cup there at the house. I got it and took his blood pressure to find it was 200 plus over 100 plus (I didn’t write it down but knew it was way too high) He told me it must be a mistake to check the batteries so I changed them out and took it again. It was still over 200 and 100. I went back online to find that anything that high like that meant you needed medical attention as soon as possible. I kept talking to him and watching him breath and then he told me he needed something he was going to get sick. I flew to the kitchen to find something fast and got it to him just in time. He didn’t want me near him when he was getting sick but I wanted to make sure he was ok.

After this happened he felt a little better but the high readings were a nagging concern to me when I had read about having a blood pressure reading as high as his was to seek immediate medical attention. (Click here for the page I viewed)

I took the blood pressure again and it was still well over 200 and 100 plus. I wanted to make sure the cup was working so I had someone take mine. Of course mine was a little high because of the situation but I then knew I had to convince him to go to the hospital.
I took my phone in the other room and called the hospital and asked to speak to the on duty nurse and explained the situation. I was told to hang up and call 911 she added that he could stroke out or could be having a stroke.

I knew I had to remain calm and let him and the others in the house of what I was getting ready to do. After letting everyone know what I was going to do I dialed 911. While on the phone with I remained calm as I watched the love of my life pass out. Even though it was only for a few moments it still scared me. I knew the worse things I could do was panic so I calmly kept saying his name until he his eyes opened up and he spoke to me.

While waiting for the paramedics to get there, which seemed like forever, I kept it together and continue to get him ready for them along with talking to his mom and staying by his side until they got there.

He was alert and requested his mom call his son and let him know we would be heading to the hospital. His son got to the hospital first, followed by me and then we waited for him to arrive.

Again the time seemed to drag on as we waited to be able to see him. During our time waiting and at one point not knowing where he was in the emergency room I struggled with thoughts of losing him.
We were told that only one of us could go back at a time until he was put into a room. Of course I told his son he would be going back first. I thanked God for letting me be there to make the call!

As I was sitting in the waiting room I got updates from his son via text I then I got a text that read “you are probably the reason I’m alive”. Tears filled my eyes as I wrote back “No God is just not ready for you yet”. It was then I broke down and had to go outside to cry! I can look back on it now and know in my heart everything that has happen in my life God had prepared me for to deal with that situation. That moment in my life was preplanned by God.

I’ve told the man I love so many times “God has me back here in your life for a reason” and I feel in my heart God has been putting different events in my life to get me back here to North Carolina for a reason. It’s not just because of everything I have described to you but many other events too.

Like many others, my thoughts of losing the man I love with all my heart were very overwhelming. And I’m sure he would tell you I’ve told him I love him more than I usually do, but I just feel so grateful that God has let him live another day for me to tell him how much I do love him.

Over the past week I’ve gone through some really up and down emotions. From helplessness to crying and moments of pure love! This was not only an eye opening experience to the man I love with all my heart, it has had an effect on all the people in our lives! From the people in both or our immediate circles to others too!

There’s an old saying “you find out who your friends are” when times get rough… it has opened our eyes to other things too. I can only speak for myself right now, and I have to say I have been moved to really see things differently.

Being a Christian woman, I know you can’t hold it against people when they don’t come and visit you in the hospital when things like this happen. You have to not judge them for their actions. It tells us in the Bible: Luke 6:37 (New International Version, ©2010) -“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Our lives are like pieces to a puzzle, each one fits in some way to make a perfect picture! When you think about life and the events which are happening in yours, you should always try and see the bigger picture. God doesn’t make mistakes! It says in the Bible he knows every hair on your head, just like he knows when and where you should be at any given moment. It’s up to us to open our eyes and ears to see and hear what he is trying to say to you!

If you ever feel like your life just isn’t going the way you want it to go, maybe you should remember we are about his business-not ours! Once you open yourself up to the fact he is the reason we are here and try to see the bigger picture it is then and only then that life will seem to take a magical turn and everything will start falling into place.

Always put God first in your life! When you do this your life will take a turn you could never imagine! There are those who say “If there is a God why do so many bad things happen in my life?” I say to you “God has his reasons and we just have to have faith one day we will know the answers!” Until the day we do, we have to trust he sent his son Jesus to forgive us for our sins so our souls would be saved!

Please take time today to share my story with just one person who you think needs to know they aren’t alone in this life.

Life happens!

It’s up to us to see and smell the roses!

It’s our jobs as Christians to be his fishers of men!

Be Blessed!
Dee Stevens

It was not a coincidence that you viewed this today… it was part of God’s plan! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sometimes it get's confusing to understand...

I have found many people get confused by some of the scriptures in the Bible when it comes to "a wife's role".

The following was a post from a close friend of mine on FaceBook:

Colossians 3: 18-20 18 Wives, be in subjection to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. 20 Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing in the Lord...How simple life would be.......IF people would just believe...

My Response:

I say: Proverbs 12-4,18 &19- 4 A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.18-The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. 19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment. *Think about it...or I'm sure you have heard "behind every man is a great woman";"Loose lips sink ships" and "Kill them with kindness" I say: "Be careful not to speak out of anger... it will be the first thing remembered and used against you later down the road"

After talking about the posting with my friend I found out he was just trying to point out loving your wives and added obey your parents.

Because of the word 'subjection' many consider it to mean Obey your husband like a dictator but in my opinion it's not that at all!

Whether you are married or in a partnership with another person you have committed yourself to you, should always show respect for one another!

As you see in my response the Bible also says "A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones." If you are a believer, in your heart you will know God spoke often about women, good or bad lessons are throughout the Bible!

The spirit moves people in different ways... many times some of the scripture are taken literally when there is a deeper meaning which is to be learned.

Take time to read your Bible and let the spirit move you to not only read the scripture but learn the message God is trying to teach us!

Have A Blessed Day!
Dee Stevens

Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome To A New Week!

Today I decided to share a few of my FaceBook status'and why I felt the need to write them:

"Parents always want what's best for our kids... Even if it hurts a little... in the long run their better adults later in life:)"

*After talking to a parent of a friend, I felt this was their way of letting me know why they do the things they do... and it was their way of letting me know, without making an excuse for them, why they do the things they do. As parents we always want the best for them but there are times when we know they are on the wrong path and it's our job as parents to let them spread their wings and fly... but then there are times when we have to watch them fall so they can learn from their mistakes in life. It makes them a better person in the end!

"I find I'm at another crossroad in my life... And the map I'm looking at isn't the road I'm on... Going to check God's GPS -the Bible now!!!!!!!!"

Here are some replies I got from that posting:

God's Positioning System?
Grow, Pray, Study
Got Prayer Support!

*I found myself reflecting about my life and where it is heading... And it just popped into my head about how when we are lost we rely on a GPS to get us where we are going... So I found myself referring back to the Bible!

"God has me here and I'm about his business everyday in every way!:-)"

*When I wrote this one I was sending a text to a friend. It was just another way for me to say: Don't over think things... "When life seems to not be what you expect it to be...refer to God's GPS... The Bible!"

Sometimes in life you just have to remember there is a plan for us all and it's up to us to follow down the path made for us everyday... not just when we feel like it.
God gave his only son to save our souls... the least we can do is be a 'fisher of men' in our life's to save the lost. We can't assume someone else will share the Great news of Jesus! Remember that as you go about your day!
Live, Laugh, Love and Be Blessed!
Dee Stevens

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Out of the mouths of babies!

I want to thank my dad for sharing the following video of a child who speaks like an adult about the bible. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

I believe that Love is not only a word but an attitude! 
Examples: “Loving every minute of it!” or 
“…there’s no love lost…”; “For the Love of mercy…” 
and let’s not forget “Love is a many splendid thing!” and in 
Deuteronomy 6:5 -Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
As you take time to reflect make sure to let the ones you love know how important they are in your life!
Have a Blessed Day
Dee Stevens

Friday, January 14, 2011

God's Love...

God's love is not always easy to understand for those who are dealing with the question "If God loves me so much why does he allow bad things to happen to good people". 

I don't claim to know the answer to that question but I do know from my own life its something I've asked myself. I think most of us  have asked the same question out loud at some point in life.

This site is to share scripture, videos, music and other tools to keep you on God's path he has for you.

Please check back from time to time for updates.
Remember to Surrender and Let God and Let Go!
Dee Stevens

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